The Weight Release Questionnaire |
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Name : |
Age : |
Occupation: |
Phone : |
Email : |
1. Do you currently have a medical condition(s)? |
No |
a. If yes, briefly describe: |
b. Please list any medications, vitamins/minerals or supplements you take, if any: |
2. Have you ever seen a mental health practitioner (i.e. therapist, psychiatrist, etc.)? |
No |
a. If yes, please describe what was helpful or not: |
3. Have you ever experienced hypnosis (or guided imagery) before? |
No |
a. If yes, when? |
b. What was the experience like for you? |
4. Do you have any concerns about experiencing hypnosis? |
No |
a. If yes, describe your concerns: |
5. Are you currently in a relationship? |
No |
6. Do you have any children? |
No |
a. How many? Ages? |
7. What is your current height and weight? |
8. Do you have an ideal weight? |
No |
a. If yes, what is it? |
9. Why do you want to release weight now? |
10. Please check any of the boxes that you feel contribute to your difficulty releasing weight. |
I start out well but it gets too difficult to stay motivated. |
I eat according to my emotional state (bored, lonely, happy, sad) |
I have difficulty tolerating cravings |
I have problems finding the time and energy to get and stay healthy |
Lack of confidence or self-esteem, e.g. "I don't feel worthy or value myself enough to make the effort |
I don't value my accomplishments so I self-sabotage |
I think things like, "I deserve a treat," "It's not fair that others get to eat and stay thin, "or "I've had a rough day/week/year" |
I follow childhood patterns like sweets for being good or being deprived of foods to punish |
Other (please describe): |